
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Page 2

Oh, the dreaded page 2. I've thought about it all week at work. There's so many things I could write about but where do you start? Then I realized I hadn't shared my unbelievable Christmas presents I received yet. My Mom and brother caught me totally by surprise! I unwrapped one present and wondered why on earth Mom would put it in an old Kodak box. It took a few minutes for my brain to rationalize that i'm sitting there with a late 50's or maybe early 60's Super 8 movie projector BRAND NEW IN THE BOX!!!! That's right, DROOL!!!! Supposedly it's never been used and still has the tags on the handle. It came with a bag of reels of all sizes. When I finally came back down to earth I unwrapped a second present that contained a baia Dual 8 movie viewing and editing kit. Again NEW IN THE BOX!!!! Both presents came from a gentleman in Evansville, IN who's known all over the country for his vintage photography equipment. When you consider the number of movie and slide projectors Kimberly and I have acquired in the past few years that have seen a great deal of wear and tear, these are a very welcome addition. We were given both my father's and her grandfather's movie projectors after they passed. Thanks to suggestions from fellow vintage collectors, we try to buy every movie or slide projector we run across at garage and yard sales that are priced dirt cheap. If nothing else we should have a long supply of bulbs for our good equipment. Now the question is should I even use these new toys or keep them in pristine condition? Hmmmmm, the curiosity is killing me!


The new editing equipment!!!

Dad's movie camera

Kimmie's weapon of choice! She DOES still use this one at some car shows.

I started out wanting a quick shot of some of our collection with the darkroom equipment in the background. But then every time I set up a shot Kimmie kept bringing me one more camera I forgot about. Our current total is 15.

With some work this will soon by my weapon of choice!

I called this one my Hot Rod for a number of years! It's the one that helped get my magazine work started.

My current Hot Rod as bought.

This one truly is a Hot Rod now. Bring on a new car show season!!!