
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Kids today!


I've seriously gone back and forth for months on what should be my first blog! That IS what this was all supposed to be about, right? Not just me sharing links to pics that i've already shared on Facebook and then shared again. I've tried to stay away from political b.s. and current news, although, it's coming SOON!
 Then a short ride in the country did it for me.

  I don't consider a mile or so out of "Town" as country but if you notice I just referred to the Metropolis of Murfreesboro as a town, then you know i've been here a while. Here goes the when we were kids stories.
When we were kids you walked .... a lot... unless you had a bicycle.  But when you walked, you stayed away from cars. You stepped off the road and waved at passers by. We knew most everybody that passed and if they didn't stop to chat for a minute, they stopped to ask if your momma and daddy knew you were out so far.  We were polite and were treated like family because in a big way we all are ( country folk, that is ). We never thought about crime and all the dirty secrets going in the world. I wish we could go back to a time of innocents like that again. Pre-internet. Of all the neat things technology has brought us social media is not one of them. Twitter is something that defies anything involving common sense. I couldn't care less what you're doing right now, much less in a few minutes from now. People have become so obsessed with this outlet that they are becoming less "social" more and more everyday. Most will never realize they no longer know how to spend time with someone, without glancing at their phone repeatedly. PUT DOWN THE PHONE! Don't you dare get on social media after the loss of a family member and preach to the rest of us how we need to spend more time with loved ones because they may not be here tomorrow. YOU stopped BEING HERE a long time ago!!!  Let that sink in.

So back to my story, Kimberly and I took a ride out to Midland to grab a battery and because I wanted her to see the upside down house from an earlier tornado. Condolences to the family and the tragic loss of a wife and mother. The sight is unbelievable. For weeks after the event it appeared as though someone could gently turn the house back over onto the foundation and it would look as though it never happened. At this point though, several weeks later and after many heavy downpours, the house is beginning to settle and come apart on it's own. As we returned back home we came up on a young girl who at some point was riding her skateboard while walking a rather huge dog. As we approached her she was now carrying the skateboard under her arm as the dog followed. Rather than cause a dangerous situation I slowed to allowing the one oncoming vehicle to pass and then I drove into the other lane and gave her ( and the dog ) plenty of room. I drove by slowly and prepared to wave and smile at the girl as we passed. She on the hand would not even look in our direction and started walking very firmly as though she was preparing for an altercation or possibly scared of what we might do. I fought every muscle in my body to keep from rolling down the window anyway just to say hello. Her parents had obviously taught her ALL strangers are bad people and I just continued on my way as thoughts and feelings rushed my body like a tidal wave. That innocent world I so love is gone. Her parents are right for teaching her to be safe but at the same time the interaction between people is all but gone too. This probably upsets me more than most but it comes with good reason. Growing up younger kids were always drawn to me. I've been known for that most of my life. To see them be taken away by the so-called "world we live in" is hurtful and in many ways also harmful. I pray i'm not the only one who feels this way! This for many reasons is why i've tried my best to be a better person and a good roll model. Kids may not remember what you tell them but they will always remember your actions.

Try this! Have you ever walked through a crowd and had a young child make eye contact with you? You can see the innocence in their eyes. The wonder. The curiosity. Take the time to say hello. You don't have to stop and carry on a full conversation but they will notice your kindness. Share the love! People need to SEE we're not all evil. We can't change the world but we CAN make the part we live in a better place!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Double Feature!!!!!

For the first time ever I got a double feature on's home page!

Both events have been linked on the right. Check them out!!!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Magazine rack fun ,,, again!!! LOL

I don't get to do this often but I have fun with it when I do!
 Both the Ol' Skool Rodz ( with my Sneaky Pete feature ) 
and Car Kulture Deluxe ( with my Nashville Boogie car show coverage ) 
are on the stands for a few more days. 
Get your copy before they're all gone!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

P8Photography feature in Ol Skool Rodz

Time is running out to get your copy of Ol' Skool Rodz before the new issue comes out ....


Hello TDC Fans ..... It's been a while!!!!! LOL

This just in! Pigeon Forge Fall Rod Run show coverage has just been added to            ( ) or you can view the pics by taking the link on the right>>>>

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Buy these magazines!!!!!

This doesn't happen often so today was play with the magazines day!!!

P8Photography --- Car Kulture Deluxe --- Ol' Skool Rodz