
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Top Dead Center

Welcome to the diary of a madman! Not "PO'd-at-the-world" mad mind you, just stuck in an outer world somewhere between planet crazy and just to the left of lunacy. Most people that know the amount of time I spend adjusting every last pixel on hundreds of pictures just to have 5 or 6 published in a magazine don't understand the pure joy "I" receive from seeing "my babies" shared with the rest of the world. My wife even thinks I take being a perfectionist to a whole 'nuther world..... well, you get the idea. This project is an attempt to share not only the method behind the madness but also a look inside the mind from where it came. Want random thoughts? I'll give you random thoughts! Top Dead Center THE BLOG will hopefully someday grow into THE MAGAZINE.

So buckle yourself in and enjoy the ride!!!

Here's a preview of things to come: