
Sunday, January 30, 2011

I added a section on the top right of the page where you can find links to my latest photos. This will keep people from having to wait and catch that just right moment when I post the link on Facebook only to have it drop off the page within minutes. You'll always be able to find the updated links here. More features will be added as I figure out what the heck i'm doing and/ or get around to it. I know, doesn't sound very professional, but with the overtime we're working I have less and less time for what I enjoy.
 I have a guy who's working on TDC t-shirts. They sound pretty snazzy. Have to wait and see how that pans out. In the mean time, here's a look at my primitive plans for a cover featuring the lovely Stacey Dixon.

Btw... those ARE the finished Nashville Auto Fest shots. Hope you enjoy!

VooDoo Butcher