
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

This and that......

I keep thinking of topics I want to get on here and discuss or maybe rant and rave.... but then sit down at the computer.... and i've got nothing..... notes, man. I have to start taking notes!!!

 The latest on the truck,,, let's talk about that instead. I pushed the back half of the S-10 chassis to the very back of the yard. One brake was dragging so it was quite a task! At 52 years young I still have the power and strength to do a job like that,,, but when I stood up and tried to breathe..... oh damn I thought I was gonna fall out right there! It's time to think about working smarter, not harder!!!
 I lined the back half of the OG suspension with the front S-10 stub. It didn't line up as well as I had hoped but with a little cutting and tweaking it will..... well, it will be something. At least there's big ol' fenders and running boards to cover up anything that looks weird, lol.

The front rails are clamped to the body mounts.

 It's actually starting to look like a truck again!